Could you please tell me that, What is the most difference between various gridded datasets (gauges)?

We use several different gridded datasets in order to represent weather data estimates from in situ, satellite-based, and merged products. There are various differences:

1- Difference in the type of providing data. The gridded datasets can be divided into three categories: Gauge-based such as APHRODITE, satellite-based like PERSIANN and TRMM, and merged satellite-gauge products such as AgMERRA and CRU.

2- Difference in temporal resolution, It means some of them produce timely scale and others daily and monthly data.

3- Difference in spatial resolution, It means some of them produce data at 0.25 degree, others are 0.5 degree and 1 degree.

4- Various weather variables, Some of them just provide precipitation data, such as PERSIANN, others provide several variables, such as AgMERRA.

For better clarifications we present several examples in following:

- GPCP V2.3 Precipitation: Global Precipitation Climatology Project monthly precipitation dataset from 1979-present combines observations and satellite precipitation data into 2.5deg x 2.5deg global grids.

- MSU: Two Microwave Sounding Unit tropospheric temperatures and daily average precipitation available in a global grid (2.5deg x 2.5deg).

- CPC Global Precipitation: Daily Gridded CPC Precipitation for 1979 to present.

- Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC): GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre monthly precipitation dataset from 1901-present is calculated from global station data.

- CMAP Precipitation: Monthly and pentad global gridded precipitation means. It includes a standard and enhanced version (with NCEP Reanalysis) from 1979 to near the present.

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